Author Archives: psgouros


in a good way

how does one manage a project devoted to creating a method of managing a project?

It starts with a simple idea of objectively determining the goal one wishes to achieve.  In this case, how does one make it easier to break a big step into appropriate little steps…


more to come

free gift…

Apple gave away an album. it showed up in your purchased items… you may have had your iTunes app set to automatically download new purchases. strangely, iTunes worked as designed and automatically download your free gift to your device…

you don’t like U2… delete album…

or if you’re employed by, you use words like “horrid”, and “devious”… you begin to wonder if there’s an ulterior motive….

apple watch…

the only real question that I have about the thing is what level of water resistance does it have? I know they have a ‘sport’ model, but you never know… this would be killer as a race start timer, but if it can’t get wet in any way shape or form, that would be a serious drawback…

of course I want one anyway…

ugh… 64-bitness…

have spent a day trying to figure out why quinda wouldn’t compile for my new iPhone 5s, or rather, why it would compile but immediately crash… and have still not succeeded…

though I may have stumbled on the answer.  was getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors every other time I executed a gesture recognizer.  may have simply been a compiler error. changing the compiler setting slightly and now the 64bit simulator at least doesn’t crash…

when I’m near a lightning cord later I’ll see if it works for the phone too… wonder how I’m going to deal with being able to compile for both the earlier and later versions of the phone.  now I’m not at all sure how to support both 64 and 32 bit phones properly…

update:dammit… that wasn’t it…  and the zombie hunter solutions haven’t worked either… I’m stumped…

First of a series…

There are certain flash points in various industries about which everybody has a strong opinion, and the only thing everyone can agree on is “everybody else is wrong,”
Here’s one for the fashion industry:
“Define the difference between a ‘Coat’ and a ‘Jacket’.”

That one prompted endless discussion in the apparel classes in college, and is as yet undetermined, (no matter what anyone else says…)
Any suggestions?

midlife crises

I generally have tried to have a midlife crisis every couple of years, in the hopes that it would extend my life  by four…  I’m about due.

It’s been a while since I seriously reevaluated my lifestyle and work. but now is the time.  I’m going to lock my self in the shop (metaphorically) friday after work and come out sunday night.  hopefully I’ll have been able to spend enough contiguous time in the studio to get my head wrapped around all the projects I either have going on or want to get started…

we shall see…

much wood being made flat

in a fit of non-creativity, my last several trips to the shop have largely consisted of making various bits of wood flat and square… not a whole lot of use, but definitely the most exercise I’ve gotten recently…

but what to do with the flat wood now I’ve got it?