Author Archives: psgouros

Workbench Additions

since I had to give up the built-in bench that was part of the old house, I’ve had to make some additions to the three-day workbench.

Leg ViseAt this point, it no longer quite lives up to the name…

I think I might have placed the screw a couple of inches higher, for better leverage, but this does allow for somewhat wider lumber.  the old iron face vise is down the other end doing duty as a tail vise, though I wasn’t paying enough attention to the fact that it was a 2 1/2″ tall vise, which has led to an interesting jaw extension…

still need to make a tool tray…


still packing

how is it that I have so much stuff?  I filled 9 boxes with books and the bookshelf still looks full… if and when I get the shop set up again, a bunch of stackable modular bookshelves is definitely in the works.  I want this to be the last time I have to pack my books…

I like the shelves that Roy Underhill showed on the Woodwright’s Shop some time back, but I think that adding a slight angle to the shelf would aid both in their mobility, and their flotation… -)  but whatever, the IKEA must go…

oh my aching knees…

IMG_4808all the hanging knees for the back of the boat, these will be mounted beneath the cockpit decking, so once in place you’ll never really get to see them again without crawling through a tiny space…

this may seem a little pointless…  but they are there because I want them to be.   and they make me feel better.

so there 😉

from left to right: the curtain, baroque, acanthus, ionic order, art deco, newport shell, art nouveau, and wine grapes.


a food theory…

I’m developing a theory about food and obesity. there’s already a theory out there regarding the body’s ability to identify which nutrients it lacks and develop a craving for the food stuffs that will satisfy that nutritional need.

the difficulty comes when all the foods you eat are ‘nutritionally balanced’ or ‘vitamin packed’.  your body can subconsciously take note of what need was satisfied when you ate a particular food, and later on when you need that particular nutrient you will crave that food stuff.  this is explanation that is given for why, as a stereotypical example, pregnant women are claimed to crave ice cream and pickles.  over time, when you are a child and trying new foods, you develop a library of physical sensations that you use as an adult to drive how you behave.  if you ate a  wide variety of foods as a child, you can identify the reactions that you had, and when your body feels like it’s lacking something, it can go back through the physical memories to find the food that satisfied it’s current need.

anecdotally,  there was a day not too long ago where I had an uncontrollable urge for spinach.   Continue reading

so much for that…

My landlord has apparently decided that she wants to live in the house I am currently occupying.   I have to pack up the boat and all my things in less than 20 days…  bloody annoying…

any suggestions?